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Summary Method for the Combined Approach


# S3 method for cs_combined
summary(object, ...)



An object of class cs_combined


Additional arguments


No return value, called for side effects only


cs_results <- claus_2020 |>
  cs_combined(id, time, hamd, pre = 1, post = 4, reliability = 0.8)

#> ── Clinical Significance Results ──
#> Combined analysis of clinical significance using the JT and statistical
#> approach method for calculating the RCI and population cutoffs.
#> There were 43 participants in the whole dataset of which 40 (93%) could be
#> included in the analysis.
#> The outcome was hamd and the reliability was set to 0.8.
#> The cutoff type was a with a value of 18.17 based on the following sumamry
#> statistics:
#> ── Population Characteristics 
#> M Clinical | SD Clinical | M Functional | SD Functional
#> -------------------------------------------------------
#> 24.85      |        3.34 |          --- |           ---
#> ── Individual Level Results 
#> Category     |  n | Percent
#> ---------------------------
#> Recovered    | 26 |  65.00%
#> Improved     |  3 |   7.50%
#> Unchanged    | 10 |  25.00%
#> Deteriorated |  1 |   2.50%
#> Harmed       |  0 |   0.00%